Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association

Georgia District

A message from the District  Directors  

Vicky and I, along with the entire Georgia District Team, would like to Welcome You to our District Website.  With the announcement of the closing of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA), there was a need to fill the void. Therefore, the Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association (EWMA) was created and is now growing at a steady pace.  The Eagle Wings Motorcycle Association (EWMA) was started by longtime Members and Officers of GWRRA that want to keep the friends, family, riding and socializing in place for everyone to enjoy.  The structure will be much simpler focusing on Riding and Socializing with like-minded motorcyclist.  While many in our group ride Honda's, we are not brand specific.  The group has enjoyed motorcycles of all make and models Can-Am, Indian, Harley Davidson, Yamaha, ETC. We hope that you enjoy navigating our website and that you find the information you are looking for.  If we can be of any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us.  

Tommy & Vicky Martin

EWMA Georgia District Directors

Camping alerts posted on camping page

Event alerts posted on event page

Download The District Bulletin Here

Welcome To The EWMA Charter Chapters Of Georgia

So you dont camp! You can still share in the fun.

The 2024 Rally has come and gone. However the pictures and video live on.

Click HERE

Benefits of joining EWMA

Click HERE